We have also noticed that Nicest 709 only works in some situations but also saturates the blues too much and introduces an unpleasing result when filming different color of skin. However, the skin tones are way too red and pink and do not hold up well in the highlights either when it comes to maximizing the dynamic range in your image. The most used Panasonic LUTs are the Nicest 709 and the VariCam V-Log to Rec709. Those are more stylized than they are technical. When you try and use the official LUTs from Panasonic, they can let you down when it comes to consistency in all environments and various skin tones. If you have just purchased the Panasonic S1H or similar camera and are trying to find the best LUT option for V-Log, we got you covered. Gamut V-Log Conversion LUT was added to the pack along with the gamut709.vlt file for loading in cameras like the S1H, S1, and S5. Gamut V-Log L Conversion LUT was added to the pack along with the VLOGLgmt.vlt file for loading in cameras like the GH5 and GH5S. gamut V-Log Conversion LUT was updated with a slight adjustment to skin tones by pushing the color hues closer to magenta as there were some instances that showcased yellow/green tones to be more dominant in some users’ footage.It matches the updated V-Log Conversion LUT. gmt709v2.vlt is the updated file to load in the camera to view the conversion.This is the profile of choice when filming in 8-bit. gamut Cinelike-D Conversion LUT was added to the pack for S-Series Panasonic Cameras.gamut V-Log Conversion LUT is now better suited for filming with a gray card closer to 45 on the IRE scale whereas the original Conversion LUT was targeted closer to 50 IRE.It matches the updated BaseLUT V-Log Conversion LUT. gmtVLOG.vlt is the updated file to load in the camera to view the conversion.Renamed the Conversion LUTs to be in sync with our new BaseLUTs packs.This LUT now matches better with the VLog Conversion LUT gamut V-LogL Conversion LUT is now better suited for filming with a gray card closer to 45 on the IRE scale whereas the original Conversion LUT was targeted closer to 50 IRE.Fixed the black levels to be closer to truer black as some users were experiencing the shadows leaning towards blue.